Portrait Rolf Curschellas

Rolf Curschellas

Executive Director HRM


Tel. +41 44 255 11 11


  • Studied business administration and industrial psychology at the University of Zurich, lic. oec. publ.
  • Postgraduate studies in supervision; Advanced Training Institute for Supervision, Wiesbaden

Professional career

  • Assistant at the Institute for Work Psychology at ETHZ
  • Management functions in personnel development, management development and operational as well as strategic HR management in various international companies from banking, industry, IT and the electricity sector
  • as of 2015 Head of HRM at the University Hospital Zurich
  • Since 2016 Executive Director HRM at the University Hospital Zurich

Secondary occupations and mandates

Board member

  • OdA Santé


  • Foundation Board and Pension Committee of the BVK Pension Fund
  • Board of Trustees and Investment Committee of the VSAO Pension Foundation